Sunday, December 17, 2017


What's that smell? The one in the air, that's like a combination of burnt sawdust and something a bit sweeter? It's the smell of almost victory, that's what it is.

For two long years, the MSM has struggled to come to terms that it's time is almost up. There is a new dawn of media, one that wants to sell only the TRUTH to it's readership. Complacent fat cat career politicians are also running scared of the reality of a whirlwind of activism coming at them hard and fast.

The 2017 election was a wake up call that Jeremy is here to stay and we intend to keep it that way.

Yes, people try to point out that Labour did not win either in the election, but he's won in our hearts, where it matters.

But there's still one small problem. Namely, every one and everything that is working to ensure that Jeremy does not get to Downing Street. And boy oh boy is that a big list of things and people.

Let me introduce you to The Establishment.

The Establishment changes from day to day. What it is one could be something else entirely tomorrow. Friends become foes. Who was considered a comrade one day could be considered an enemy the next, just like that *click of fingers*

Fine work in this field has been done by comrades in arms The Canary and Skwawkbox. They recognise the establishment for what it is, and have operatives on the ground that are able to pick up on the nuances of this creature, and react accordingly. And if they're pissing people off, GOSSIPIGEON thinks that they are doing the job properly. Facts are important but nothing is more important than the real truth.

But they can't do this job alone. More voices are required to ensure that the message is well heard. Which is where GOSSIPIGEON comes in.

We're here to pick up the stories even the our friends miss. Important stories about peace prizes are one thing, but when you miss stories about how the leader won a can of shandy at a church raffle, you need help and you need it fast.

So, welcome.

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